Free Naloxone Administration Training

Your skills can be the key that unlocks the door to life in recovery!

Naloxone saves lives.

Naloxone, also known as Narcan, has saved around 60,000 lives in the past 6 years alone. Naloxone temporarily reverses opioid overdose symptoms – allowing for timely emergency services to intervene. This crucial harm reduction tool is just one way we can give those suffering from substance use disorder a chance at long-term recovery. 


Our Naloxone administration courses are offered completely free of charge to you – all you have to do is show up


This training course is a continuing education opportunity – complete this course to receive 1.5 continuing education credits towards your CPRS certification!


If you’re working in the addiction recovery field, or know someone suffering from substance use disorder – having the tools to reverse an overdose can literally save a life.

Training to Combat the Overdose Crisis

For this reason precisely, we decided to offer FREE monthly Naloxone/Narcan administration training events, open to everyone!